Did you know you can configure ‘Custom Insights’ in GA4 and be alerted to changes in performance metrics?
This is similar to the old ‘Custom Alerts’ the we used to use in Universal Analytics.
You can configure custom insights against various metrics, conditions and values such as percentage change against comparison periods, and receive email alerts as well as web-interface alerts when these conditions are met!
You can even configure segments for an array of dimensions such as Source or Medium to be alerted to changes across specific channels (i.e. organic or cpc).
There are even built-in ‘Suggested Custom Insights’ based on GA4’s anomaly detection.
They are a bit harder to find in the GA4 interface, but once you know where they are and have set them up, they are extremely useful.
To set-up custom insights:
1. Log in to GA4.
2. Go to the ‘Home’ screen.
3. Scroll to the bottom to the “Insights and recommendations” section.
4. Click on ‘View all insights ->’.
5. Click ‘Create’ to create a custom insight.
6. Create the insight required based on your requirements.
Voila! Really handy and easy to do!