On the third and fourth of this month (October), our content head was lucky enough to be enrolled in the Professional Certificate in Content Marketing. The course explored all elements of what makes the best campaigns tick. From brand conception through to measurement and optimisation, the two-day training and subsequent course capitalised on what Footprint already does well, as well as giving us reminders and pointers around the concise process businesses should go through before creating their own content strategy.
The presentation covers:
- Developing a Content Strategy
- Identifying & Understanding Audiences and Audience Needs
- Brand Storytelling
- Mapping your Content
- Channel Distribution & Touchpoints
- Management
- Content Curation
- Optimisation, Measurement, Learning and Enhancing
Delivered in a 30-minute presentation, our content head put together the following slides outlining key learnings and process to share with the team.
This presentation outlines the learnings and implications towards content strategy process – if you want to discuss the learnings in more detail, why not reach out and join the discussion on LinkedIn?
Or, if you’re looking to get help with your website content, check out our content offering.