Here at Footprint Digital, we like learning. In a digital marketing company it’s important to keep ourselves in the know, and education is one of the key pillars of the company. We like to educate clients, interns, anybody who’ll listen really! We also like to educate ourselves, and each other. That’s why we’ve started a series called ‘Think with Footprint’, which take place once a month.
Think with Footprint is a chance for us to invite external speakers to come into the office, where we will ply them with tea and cake and then ask them to teach us something new. We might even have some of the Footprint team present on their specific areas of interest (if any of us are brave enough!) We also hope that we’ll be able to escape the office & go on a few field trips for some sessions!
We aren’t limiting ourselves to speakers who specialise in search engine optimisation, or other topics closely related to what we do, in fact, we want to hear from anyone who has anything interesting to say – because we think that the more rounded our knowledge is, the better we’ll be at our jobs.
Our first Think with Footprint took place in December 2016, with Dr Erik Jacobi, from the University of Essex, kindly presenting a lecture to us based on marketing strategy. The whole team turned out to listen, along with a couple of clients who were interested and asked if they could come along.
Erik presented an extremely thought provoking lecture, based on some case study research he had done where the company in question did almost everything wrong- but as he said, doing things wrong meant there was an awful lot he could learn from!
His ideas about strategy sparked a lot of questions and healthy debate at the end of the lecture, especially amongst our Relationship Managers, who have the responsibility of curating Strategy Papers for many of our clients.
Our first Think with Footprint session was an overwhelming success and gave us a lot of food for thought! We can’t wait for the next one!