It’s day two of our birthday week (yes, we’re milking it!) and today we’re giving you our team’s top tips when it comes to SEO and CRO. These two services have been integral to what we do for years, so it seemed only right to talk about them as we turn ten!
- Josef says get the experts in and focus on what you do best. surround yourself with technical experts who understand websites and search engines better than you, so you can focus on writing awesome content and publishing it consistently.
- Raffaele thinks making your content 10X better than your competition is the key to optimising for search engines
- Josef again! This time he’s talking about CRO and says that talking and testing are key to getting people to convert when they’re on your website.
- Alex thinks the key to a good CRO project is a fresh perspective – and getting people who have never seen your website before to test it out.
- Chris Green thinks SEO is about not being afraid to try new things. The same could be said of CRO, or Paid Search!
- Michael says CRO is about making the conversion path as easy for customers as possible. Don’t ask them to do things you don’t need them to!
- Rosie’s top tip for CRO is keep on testing – it’s a cyclical process that you can carry on with time and time again!
- Hannah says having analytics installed (and crucially, ensuring that it is tracking properly) is vital for good SEO as without it you have no data.
- Bailey says to crack SEO and CRO, you need to think about what keywords your customers will be using to find your service, and also think about what barriers to conversion they might have.
- Finally, Dave thinks that research is the key – that’s why we start our process with a Digital Marketing Audit!